Tuesday, 28 May 2024

George Harlan 1650-1714



Flag of Belfast, Ireland
George Harlan migrated from Belfast, Ireland to United States of America.
Flag of United States of America
George was a Friend (Quaker)
National Society, Descendants of Early Quakers
George Harlan is a qualifying ancestor of the National Society, Descendants of Early Quakers.

George Harlan is No. 3 in the Harlan Book


George was Baptized 11 Mar 1649 ("ye 11th day of first month 1650") at the Monastery of Monkwearmouth and was born at Nigh Durham in Bishoprick, England. [1] He was a son of James Harland of Monkwearmouth. [1] George remained at Nigh Durham until he was an adult when he removed, with his brother and friends, to the County Down in Ireland. [1]

'Note:' After coming to America, George and his brother Michael Harland, dropped the final "d" and the name is almost universally spelled 'Harlan'[1]

Immigrated to Pennsylvania

George with his brother Michael, his wife and their four young children sailed from Belfast in 1687. [1] The ship sailed up the Delaware River to dock at New Castle (now in Delaware).

He was one of the foremost citizens of the colony becoming one of the provincial governors of the "three lower counties” (now the state of Delaware) in 1695, and a member of Pennsylvania’s Colonial Assembly in 1712. [2]


George married Elizabeth Duck 17 Nov 1678 at Marke Wright's house in Shankill, County Armagh, Ireland [3] by ceremony of Friends. [1]

“George Harland in the parish of Donnahlong in ye County of Down and Elizabeth Duck of Lurgan in ye parish of Shankill and County of Armagh, having intentions of marriage (according to God's ordinance) did lay their said intentions before ye men and womens meetings who taking it into their considerations, desired they waite a time in which time several Friends were appointed to make enquiry in ye several places where their residences are or of later years have been wheather ye man is free of all other women, and ye woman free from all other men and wheather their relations and parents are satisfied with their said intentions. And they presenting themselves the second time before ye men and womens meeting and an account being brought to ye meeting, where all things being found clear and their intentions of marriage being several times published in ye meeting to which they do belong, and nothing appearing against it. A meeting of ye people of God was appointed at the house of Marke Wright in ye parish of Shankill on the twenty seventh day of ye ninth month anno 1678, where they being contracted the said George Harland declared publickly and solemnly in the presence of God, and of his people in these vows, I take Elizabeth Duck to be my wife, and said Elizabeth Duck declared in like manner, I give myselfe to George Harland to be his wife, and I take him to be my husband as witness our hands. George Harland, Elizabeth Harland 1678 Daniel Stamper, George Bullock, John Wright, Henry Hollingsworth, John Calvart, Francis Hillary, Alexander Noble, George Lowder, Roger Kirk, Timothy Kirk, George Hodghson, Alphonsus Kirk, William Crook, Deborah Kirk, Elinor Hoope, Robert Hoope, Thomas ...“. Attached image.

Their first four children were probably born in Ireland, and the others in Pennsylvania. [1] They had nine all together.

Children of George and Elizabeth:

  1. Ezekiel, b 6, 16, 1679; d. 4-15-1731; m, Mary Beezer and Ruth Buffington
  2. Hannah, b. 2-4-1681; d. _____; m. Samuel Hollingsworth
  3. Moses, b. 12-20-1683; d. 1747; m. Margaret Ray
  4. Aaron, b. 10-24-1685; d. 9 mo, 1732; m. Sarah Heald
  5. Rebecca, b. 8-17-1688; d. 8-17-1775; m. William Webb
  6. Deborah, b. 8-28-1690; d. ____; m. Joshua Calvert
  7. James, b 8-19-1692; d. ___; m. Elizabeth (Heald)
  8. Elizabeth, b. 8-9-1694; d. _____; m. Joseph Robinson
  9. Joshua, b. 11-15-1696; d. 1744 5 mo; m. Mary Heald


George and his family first settled at Centreville, where they remained for some years. [1] Before sailing, he had purchased property in the Province of Pennsylvania, in the area to become Centreville (now in New Castle County, Delaware). [1] George and his family belonged to Newark Meeting there. [4]

Pennsbury Township, Chester County

In about 1698/9, George purchased property upstream on Brandywine Creek and moved his family there. [1]

Last Will and Testament

I George Harlan of Brandywine Creek and in the Township of Kennet and County of Chester in the province of Pennsylvania Yeoman.
Being weak at this time in body but of sound and disposing mind and memory & calling to mind the certainty of Death & the uncertainty of the time thereof doe make & ordain this my last will & Testament in manner & form following.
That is to say, fifirst I yield up my soul into the hands of almighty God as unto a ffaithful Creator hoping through the merrits sufferings Resurrection & mediation of my blessed Savior Jesus Christ to find mercy & forgivness with compleat salvation & my body to be buried by my deare wife in the new burying place on Alphonsus Kirks land at the discretion of my Executors hereinafter named.
Also my will is that all my Just debts & funeral Expenses be fully paid & discharged. Also I Give unto my son Aaron my Clock & my Great Brass Kettle.
Also I Give unto my Brother Michael Harlan the young Susquhanna Mare.
Also I Give unto my servant woman named Mary Mathews at the expiration of her time one cow & calf & one young mare not less than three yeares old.
And lastly I make nominate & appoint my sons Ezekiel & Aaron Harlan Executors of this my Last Will & Testament & also appoint my brother Michael Harlan aforementioned & my son Samuel Hollingsworth Trustees & assistants to my Executors aforementioned in the performance & Accomplishment of this my Last will & Testament.
Also, my will is that after my debts Legacies Bequests & expenses aforesaid are fully payed & satisfied that what shall then remain of my moveable & personal Estate if any so there be then it shall be equally divided between all my children Sons & Daughters share & share alike. In witness thereof I have to this my said will set my hand & seal this one & twentieth Day of the Second month called Aprill in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and fourteen.
George Harlan (Seal)
Sealed signed & published & declared by Testator George Harlan to be his last will & Testament in the presence of us who have subscribed our names as Witnesses hereunto in his presence.
Daniel McFakson.
Nathan Maddock.
Thomas Pierson.
Will was proven "8 mo. 2, 1714" [4]

Death and Legacy

George died 05 Jul 1714 in Kennett Township, Chester County, Pennsylvania, and is buried beside his deare wife in the new burying grounds on Alphonsus Kirk's land, called Center Meeting Burying Grounds. [1] His will was dated dated 21 Apr 1714. [1] We do not know the date of his wife, Elizabeth's, death, but by his will we know she predeceased him. [4]


  1. ↑ 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 Harlan, Fred, History and Genealogy of the Harlan Family and Particularly of the Descendants of George and Michael Harlan Who Settled in Chester County, Pa., 1687. Citing History and Genealogy of the Harlan Family ..., by Alpheus Harlan, accessed 10 Nov 2014
  2.  Harlan, Alpheus H “History and Genealogy of the Harlan Family” : Lord Baltimore Press, Baltimore 1914 p 45 https://archive.org/details/bicentennialofol00soci/page/45/mode/1up?view=theater
  3.  Public Member Trees Ancestry.com
  4. ↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 Harlan, Alpheus H, compiler, History and genealogy of the Harlan family and Particularly of the Descendants of George and Michael Harlan, who Settled in Chester County, Pennsylvania, 1687. (p 5 ) Baltimore: Lord Baltimore Press, 1914, Archive.org accessed 10 Nov 2014 This is the very convenient online ebook version

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